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Love spells have been around for centuries, and they are used to draw love into the life of the spell caster. Whether you are looking for a passionate fling or a long-term commitment, there are plenty of love spells available that can help you find the one you’re looking for. While professional spell casters are available to help those in need, many people are looking for easy love spells that can be done at home. Here are four easy love spells you can do at home.

Love Spell #1: Rosemary Love Spell

Rosemary has long been known as a love herb, and this easy love spell can be used to attract love into your life. To begin, you will need a few sprigs of fresh rosemary, a pink candle, and a piece of paper. Take a few moments to focus your intention on the type of love you are looking for and set the rosemary sprigs around the pink candle. As you light the candle, write down your desires on the piece of paper and fold it three times. Hold the paper in your hands and visualize your love coming to you as you say, “Rosemary, rosemary, send me love that can’t be wrong.” Place the paper under the rosemary and allow the candle to burn until it is completely gone.

Love Spell #2: Honey Jar Spell

The honey jar spell is a powerful love spell, and it is a favorite among many spell casters. To begin, you will need a jar, honey, and a picture of the person you desire. Start by writing the name of the person you desire on a piece of paper, and then place the paper in the jar. Fill the jar with honey and then place the picture of the person on top. Begin to chant, “Honey, sweet honey, bring me (name of desired person). Let this spell be done, so mote it be.” Place the jar in a safe place and allow it to work its magic.

Love Spell #3: Love Powder Spell

The love powder spell is an easy to make love spell that can be used to attract a new love. To begin, you will need a few tablespoons of powdered rose petals, powdered cloves, powdered cinnamon, and powdered nutmeg. Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl and then place it in a jar. Every day, take a pinch of the powder and sprinkle it around the house, or if you know the location of the person you desire, sprinkle it there. As you do this, focus your intention on the type of love you are seeking and visualize your desire coming to you.

Love Spell #4: Apple Love Spell

The apple love spell is an easy and powerful love spell that can be used to attract a new love. To begin, you will need an apple, a knife, and a piece of paper. Cut the apple into two halves, and then carve the name of the person you desire into one of the halves. Take the piece of paper and write your name on one side and the desired person’s name on the other side. Place the piece of paper between the two halves of the apple and then tie the apple together with red thread. Place the apple in a safe place, and allow the spell to draw the desired person to you.


Love spells can be a powerful way to draw love into your life, and they can be easily done at home. The four love spells discussed above are easy to make and are powerful enough to bring love into your life