(504) 324-0030 drpapabones@gmail.com

Love is a powerful emotion. And sometimes, when that love starts to fade, we will do anything to bring it back. If you’re desperate to reignite the passion in your relationship, you may be considering trying a voodoo love spell. Before you go ahead and try any form of magic, it’s important to understand how it works and what the consequences could be. In this blog post, we will explore 7 different voodoo love spells and their potential outcomes. Whether you’re looking for a spell to make someone fall in love with you or one to break a curse, we’ve got you covered.

Love spell #1

This love spell is designed to rekindle the romance in your relationship. It will help you to feel more connected to your partner and to experience more love and intimacy.


1 tablespoon of rose petals

1 tablespoon of lavender flowers

1 tablespoon of jasmine flowers

1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers

1 cup of boiling water

Add the rose petals, lavender flowers, jasmine flowers and chamomile flowers to a heatproof bowl. Pour the boiling water over the ingredients. Allow the mixture to steep for 5 minutes. Strain the mixture into a clean cup. Drink this tea while focusing on your desire to feel more love and intimacy with your partner.

Love spell #2

If you’re ready to put a little voodoo magic into your relationship, try this love spell. You’ll need:

-A pink candle
-A photo of yourself and your partner
-A piece of paper
-A pen
-Rosemary essential oil


1. Anoint the pink candle with rosemary oil and light it.
2. Write your names on the piece of paper and place it under the candle.
3. Hold the photo of yourself and your partner in your hands and focus on the flame of the candle. Visualize yourselves being happy together again.
4. Burn the paper with your names on it in the flame of the candle. 5. Extinguish the candle when finished and carry the photo with you for three days.

Love spell #3

If you’re looking to rekindle your romance, try this voodoo love spell. All you need is a white candle, some rose petals, and a photo of your loved one.

First, light the candle and say the following words:

“I am lighting this candle in the name of love. I ask that my love be returned to me tenfold. I am open to receiving love, and I offer love in return.”

Next, sprinkle the rose petals around the candle, and then place the photo of your loved one in front of the candle. Focus on your intention for a few minutes, then blow out the candle.

Repeat this spell for three nights in a row for best results.

Love spell #4

This love spell is designed to help you rekindle the romance in your relationship. It will help you to feel more connected to your partner and to experience deeper levels of love and intimacy.


1 tablespoon of rose petals

1 tablespoon of lavender flowers

1 tablespoon of jasmine flowers

1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers

1 cup of boiling water


Place the herbs in a heat-proof bowl or mug. Pour the boiling water over them and steep for 5 minutes. Strain the infusion into another mug and sweeten with honey if desired. Drink this love potion whileVisualizing yourself and your partner being wrapped in a warm, loving embrace.

Love spell #5

If you’re looking to rekindle your romance with a little help from the supernatural, try this voodoo love spell. You’ll need a photo of yourself and your loved one, a pink candle, some rose petals, and a piece of paper. On the paper, write down your names and put the paper under the candle. Light the candle and let it burn for a few minutes while you focus on your intention of restoring your love. Then, extinguish the flame and let the wax drip onto the paper. Once it’s cooled, roll up the paper and tie it with a red ribbon. bury it near where you met or had your first date.

Love spell #6

When it comes to love, there is nothing more powerful than a voodoo love spell. If you are looking to rekindle your romance, then this is the spell for you.

This spell will help to reignite the passion in your relationship and get things back on track. It is important to keep in mind that this spell should only be used for good and not for evil. With that said, here is how to cast the spell:

You will need:

– A red candle
– A piece of paper
– A pen
– An object that belongs to your loved one (this could be a piece of jewelry, a clothing item, etc.)


1. On the piece of paper, write your names together with a heart in between. Fold the paper up and tie it with a red string. Place this under the candle.

2. Light the candle and say the following incantation: “As this flame burns, so shall our love grow stronger.” Repeat this three times.

3. Take the object that belongs to your loved one and hold it in your hand while you visualize happy memories together. See yourselves being happy and in love. Repeat the following words: “We are meant to be together forever.” Say this nine times.

4. Blow out the candle and bury the paper outside near where you first met or had your first kiss.

Love spell #7

If you’re looking to rekindle your romance, there’s no better way to do it than with a little bit of Voodoo. Love spell #7 is the perfect spell to help reignite the passion in your relationship.

To cast this spell, you will need:

-A red candle
-A photo of yourself and your partner
-A piece of paper
-A pen
-A bowl of water

First, light the red candle and set it in front of you. Next, take the photo of yourself and your partner and hold it in your hands. Focus on the love and happiness that you feel for one another. As you focus on these positive emotions, begin to write down all of the things that you love about your partner on the piece of paper. Include everything from their physical attributes to their personality traits. Once you have finished writing, fold up the paper and place it under the candle. Allow the candle to burn for a few minutes as you visualize yourselves being happy and in love again.

After a few minutes, extinguish the candle and take the paper outside. Find a body of water (a lake, river, or even a puddle will do) and toss the paper into it while saying aloud:

“As this paper sinks into the depths, so shall my love for (partner’s name) be rekindled.”

Watch as the paper disappears beneath the surface of the water. This spell will help to reignite the passion in your relationship and bring you closer together.