(504) 324-0030 drpapabones@gmail.com

Real Voodoo is a form of Afro-Caribbean spirituality. Although some of its practitioners claim supernatural powers, they are often not real. For example, you should not purchase a crystal ball from a priestess who claims to be able to stop hurricanes.

Despite its long history, voodoo is still a hush-hush practice in New Orleans. As such, finding a practitioner who will help you is not always easy. In addition, there are a number of fakes out there. Be aware of the signs and avoid them.

Real Voodoo focuses on the concept of spirit possession. The religious practices of this tradition are based on beliefs about a god that can possess spirits and cause ill effects. However, many misconceptions about Voodoo have nothing to do with it. Some of them are merely stereotypes, while others have a grain of truth.

Many Westerners are unfamiliar with Voodoo. But the practice is still widely practiced in New Orleans and Port-au-Prince. Slave trade brought Voodoo traditions to the Mississippi Delta and later spread throughout the United States. It is practiced openly in Haiti, and covertly in many other parts of the world. Westerners view this religion with suspicion, and missionaries have tried to convert its practices to Christianity.

Voodoo is a significant part of Haitian culture. The possessed person is referred to as a horse and is ridden by a possessed loa (the loa). The possessed person may speak in strange languages and make direct statements to their followers. Many ceremonies also involve animal sacrifice. The combination of these two elements can make Voodoo ceremonies dramatic and frightening to outside observers.

Real Voodoo practitioners are often able to combine working with religion while earning a living. They don’t see a contradiction between their religious practices and their income. This allows them to preserve the ancient traditions of voodoo. But before trying this, make sure you know a little bit of Haitian history.

In New Orleans, activism has become an integral part of voodoo culture. The trauma of slavery and political mismanagement is still part of the collective identity of African Americans. Hurricane Katrina triggered both the collective and individual memory of this history. In response, activist rallies often include healing rituals that incorporate voodoo references.

Several walking tours are available if you’re looking to learn about New Orleans Voodoo. A typical one-hour walking tour covers New Orleans Voodoo history and the lore surrounding it. Some of these tours are led by real Voodoo Priestesses.