(504) 324-0030 drpapabones@gmail.com
Voodoo Dolls Affect Their Owners? Interesting Thrilling Comparative Mythology

Voodoo Dolls Affect Their Owners? Interesting Thrilling Comparative Mythology

In North American popular culture, including cinema, literature, and oral history, the mere mention of voodoo dolls is enough to strike horror and inspire visions of murderous vengeance. Stories like this suggest that Voodoo dolls are created by members of Caribbean...
Voodoo Doll At Mayang, The Center Of Witchcraft You Need To Know

Voodoo Doll At Mayang, The Center Of Witchcraft You Need To Know

A little city with spooky legends is located in the northeastern part of India. In India, the stories of Mayang village in the Morigaon district of Assam are even older than those of the Brahmaputra River. Witches and saints of black magic still live in this...
Spiritual House Cleaning: Getting Rid Of Bad Energy From Your Home

Spiritual House Cleaning: Getting Rid Of Bad Energy From Your Home

You must do a spiritual house cleaning to rid your home of unwelcome and destructive energy. This is not something you should ignore, regardless of whether you are moving into a new property or have lived in the one you are currently in for years. It would be best if...
Friendship Spell: Bring Together Real Friends You Need To Know

Friendship Spell: Bring Together Real Friends You Need To Know

Casting a friendship spell will bring about genuine friendships and connections. Restore a relationship that has been damaged, make new friends, and even win over your adversaries to become your allies. Friends are incredibly significant in one’s life since they...